What’s So Good About Change?

In this life everything changes, and like the past few weeks, adjustments are often unwelcome, difficult and scary. Regardless of whether perceived as good or bad, change is inevitable.  Deep inside we all want something to remain the same because it means comfort and a measure of security.  Perhaps that is why traditions are important to many of us – the consistency of our holiday celebrations or knowing we can count on Aunt Suzie to bring our favorite dish – the one she always brings to family gatherings. 

Over the years, even those traditions are altered, the faces of those celebrating them aren’t the same and the gatherings migrate to different homes.  Friendships of yesterday fade as new relationships are cultivated today.  A job offer brings new responsibilities or even unexpectedly transports us to a far-off place.  Health that may once have allowed us to do anything has now put limits on our activities. A virus threat may require us to shelter-in-place.  Is there anything or anyone we can look to for permanence, someone we can count on no matter what?

            Yes!  His name is Jesus!

“Jesus Christ (the Messiah) is [always] the same, yesterday, today, [yes] and forever (to the ages).” (Hebrews 13:8 AMP)

We can count on Him to be there – always the same, constant, unchanging. He is our ultimate comfort and security – no need to wait for a holiday or special gathering – His presence is everywhere at all times. 

And here is the fantastic bonus – He says when we love Him we are part of His permanent kingdom!  Since His kingdom began with His birth, death and resurrection, we’re part of something that already exists and will continue in heaven for all eternity. Now that’s PERMANENCE

Finally! Someone who doesn’t change and a kingdom that never ends!

Perhaps, every day really is an adventure, an opportunity to experience something new without fear, because we know the One who remains the same and who walks with us every moment of our lives. What’s so good about change? It reminds us to keep our eyes fixed on Jesus – He never changes.

Shelley 03272020 © 2019-2020 Shelley Ministries.  All Rights Reserved. Photo used by permission.


  • And He walks with me and speaks to us all the time when we take time to listen….Luv you, cousin!

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