Choices for the New Year


Many people say they want 2022 to be different than 2021. I agree and the way to have a different year is to start with the person in the mirror. I have to make choices for change if I want to look back at the end and declare it well lived. Here are a few I’ve thought of so far:


Choose to be better rather than bitter when something difficult happens.

Choose to walk a mile in the other person’s shoes rather than to tramp on them with yours.

Choose to ask for clarification over making assumptions.

Choose to exercise kindness over canceling.

Choose to connect every time over dividing at any time. 

Choose to put the other first over me first.

Choose to treat yourself and everyone you meet well because as human beings we are all valued and worthy of belonging – now that is a treat!

Choose to smile rather than frown.

Choose to chuckle at the small stuff or you’ll be miserable before getting to the big stuff. 

Choose to bless rather than curse. 

As a friend of mine repeatedly reminds me, “make the next right choice,” and what is the first and best one we can make to start the year? Choose to take Jesus out of the manger and into 2022. He is our Hope and our Peace. 

Shelley 01012022 © 2019-2022 Shelley Ministries.  All Rights Reserved. Photo used by permission.


  • All good advice, Shelley. As Christians, we should automatically do those things without having to work at it. But since most of us are flawed, we need to be reminded from time to time.

  • Shelley you are so right God bless you. Keep in touch. Love Mrs.T.

  • Wonderful thoughts and choices that fall into line with Philippians 4:8.
    This year can be a year of mirroring Christ to the world by loving our neighbors as we love ourselves. Thank you for the reminders.

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