Slow Down – Savor the Moments

I was about to head out for a two-day drive. For many years, my focus when traveling like this was solely on the destination, and all that would happen once I had arrived. Come to think of it, most of my life was about one objective after another: a certain level of fitness, a desired amount of weight loss, or a boldly determined sales goal; something I was attempting to accomplish; or some other future target. Even the attention of my faith was often concentrated on one day being in my heavenly home. A favorite vacation spot, time set apart to be with cherished family or friends, and the promised eternity with God warrant the anticipation and consideration given to them.
However, the question is, what did I miss while trying to reach that desired destination? How many days went by filled with lost opportunities for vital connections or missed occasions to help someone in need, simply because my eyes were fixed on the final result? Unfortunately, even the hope of heaven can have the same effect. I often heard my dad repeat a phrase to describe some in the Church as being “so heavenly minded they were no earthly good.” Because they were focused on getting there, it caused them to overlook what was happening here and now.
I have learned that life, vacations, and eternity are far more than what is to come. In fact, while keeping a measure of expectation for the destination in sight is important, the real excitement is in the journey – in every step, vista, and person along the way. The small joys and quiet sorrows. The privilege of giving a hug or offering a smile. A lesson to be learned or a meal to be enjoyed.
In the Bible, Jesus repeatedly spoke about the Kingdom of God, but He did not only have the future in mind. He taught that the Kingdom was also “now” and demonstrated what living the Kingdom life was to look like – help those in need, welcome the stranger, take up the cause of the oppressed, offer hope to the hopeless. At one point, He gave a group of seventy-two followers instructions as He sent them out into the surrounding area, which included these words, “When you enter a town and are welcomed, eat what is offered to you. Heal the sick who are there and tell them, ‘The kingdom of God has come near to you’” (Luke 10:8-9NIV).
I have determined to pay attention each day because I never again want to miss what awaits on the road of life. There are too many moments waiting to be shared, too many hands wanting to be held, and too many voices crying out to be heard.
Will you join me in intentionally engaging with your journey? Maybe if we live this way, we will do some earthly good and will be heavenly minded in a way that makes a difference in our homes and communities.
Road Sign Series – Part 3
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