Dealing with the Gnats!
Spring is a great time to be outdoors. The temperatures are just right – not too cold, not too hot. Flowers are beginning to pop up out of the soil, and nearby farm fields are being planted. Recently, I had the opportunity to be with others for a few hours on a warm day. What a treat to be on a bicycle, riding on a trail through the woods, hearing the birds, listening to the brook, and spending time with friends! There was a bonus – NO GNATS! It was perfect!
If we are truthful, this is the way we want all of life to be – all agreeable and enjoyable.
Days of pleasure. Days without problems. Days with no pain.
Sometimes we may enjoy a season like this, but it is not too long before we begin to experience a period when the gnats start to appear – interruptions, inconveniences, troubles – the list seems endless (like the seemingly infinite number of gnats). Soon, we are focused more on those pesky creatures than on anything else.
Did the birds stop singing or the brook stop bubbling?
Did the sunshine go away or the chatter of friends cease?
NO! Our focus was altered, and we allowed the cares to overshadow the good.
Maybe this is what happens with our faith. Focus shifts. We are counting our blessings and praising God when all is well. We know He is with us, and all seems right. When we are bit by the gnats and hard times come, however, we wonder where He is and why He isn’t removing the problems. Somehow, we think that following God means a life that matches the beautiful Spring day. Actually, Jesus promised the difficulties will be with us … and with His warning, He gives hope.
“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world” (John 16:33 NASB).
Today, let us do as the writer of Hebrews instructs by:
“fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith” (Hebrews 12:2a NASB).
Then we will see, He is with us through all circumstances. He provides the salve that soothes all those big and small annoyances of life, so that we are aware of the blessings of the day.
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