What if DIY doesn’t work?
As I look around my house, I see things in need of repair. Some are small easy tasks, some are large overwhelming projects. In an age of the DIY (do it yourself) stores and TV shows, and with an overall “can do” attitude, I think I can fix anything. Oh really? Well, truthfully, some of these upkeeps are beyond my ability and require a professional … or at least someone who knows more than I.
It makes me think. If there are certain objects I can’t repair, why do I think I can “fix” everything about myself? We know self-help books abound. They address how we can improve our outward appearance, expand our minds, have better relationships, and more. There are merits to these, and we certainly should be striving to be our best selves in our current circumstance, but some issues simply fall outside the scope of our ability to handle on our own.
This leads me to ask, if we aren’t able to repair everything about ourselves, how do we think we can “fix” others? Often, we spend time trying to correct or overhaul them while making excuses for ourselves. Sometimes in the end, we simply get frustrated and give up altogether. Isn’t there an answer? Where is the DIY store and self-help book for “renovating” people – you and me?
Here’s the great news – it really exists! You have open access to it, but – get ready – it may not give the advice you would think. In fact, its counsel is the opposite of a “fix it” approach. We strive and try and push and struggle to make things happen, but this instruction isn’t DIY at all. It is faith in the One who inspired the authors of the “how to” book. He doesn’t just refurbish – He restores. He makes us even better than where we started – if we let Him.
“This is what the Sovereign Lord, the Holy One of Israel, says: ‘In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength.'” (Isaiah 30:15NIV)
Wait … what? Where is the “pulling ourselves up by our bootstraps” or “making it happen”? That may work for the little problems, but in the real deep concerns of life, in the tough times, in the depths of the soul, there is only One who can heal and repair and restore. If we spend a little more time getting to know Him and His Word, we’ll find how much He wants to make us whole. No, renovation won’t be easy and it may take a while, but it will be worth it. It comes with a side benefit too – it causes us to recognize less defects in others, and those we do see, we’ll be more likely to turn over to the professional.
Now about that broken doorbell…!
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