When I See You, I See God

                     What do you see when you look in the mirror? 
Have you ever stopped to really consider the person who is looking back at you?

Go back in your mind to a day you enjoyed at an art museum or to a special evening at the symphony.  You paused to spend extra moments viewing something that caught your eye, or you were captured by the majesty of the music.  Remember the sights and sounds, the painting or composition, the people.  If you have never been there, try to imagine what it would be like.  Stay in that place for a few minutes. 

Was the artist or the composer in attendance?  Probably not, yet you became familiar with him or her through your experience.  You saw and heard what came from within them, and in so doing, your thoughts and your heart connected with theirs.  Did you immediately think about their imperfections or faults? No!  You were completely engaged in the beauty or complexity of the work.

Gazing on a painting or listening to a symphony fills our souls with beauty and life, especially when created by masters of the craft.  How much more amazing are human beings who have been created by The Master Craftsman.  

“God spoke: ‘Let us make human beings in our image, make them reflecting our nature … God created human beings; he created them godlike, reflecting God’s nature.  He created them male and female.” (Genesis 1:26-27 The Message)

   Is this what you see when you look in that mirror – a creation that is godlike?
                              Do you see the image of the Creator? 

Until recently, I haven’t understood or acknowledged the real value of the work of art in my mirror.  Perhaps you’re like me – only seeing the tarnish or damage done to it over the years and the stains that now cover it.  If we could see what the Creator sees, we would be overwhelmed by the beauty and life that stares back at us.  It would change how we care for it – body, mind, heart and spirit.  Here’s how the Ultimate Designer describes us …

“God saw everything that He had made, and behold, it was very good and He validated it completely ….” (Genesis 1:31 AMP)

The Artist is ready to begin restoration because He knows …
                                                                you are a masterpiece!

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