About Shelley Ministries

Shelley Ministries focuses on helping those who have dedicated their lives to helping others. A commitment to service comes with a risk of burnout, turning a heartfelt answer to a call into a seemingly impossible task. By coming alongside you, Shelley Ministries seeks to be a safe harbor for those battered by the storm of ministry through connection, counseling, challenge, and encouragement.

Who I Am

Hi! My name is Shelley. A number of years ago, I found myself in unexpected circumstances. Outwardly, I appeared to hold it together but inwardly, I was thrust into the largest and deepest wilderness of my life. Everything was lifeless, including my faith, and I was confronted by previously unidentified fears and unacknowledged lack of wholeness. I was serving others while ignoring personal health, consistently working to the point of depletion, and forgetting that my value comes solely from the Creator who so lovingly made my substance and gave me purpose.

I began to ask God for help and was shocked to find myself heading to seminary. Within one year, I retired from my career, resigned from my church responsibilities, and moved to a new location. Yes, Christ invited me on an adventure with Him that has brought restoration, excitement, and hope!

Along the way, I became ordained and now enjoy every opportunity to be a pastor’s “go to” person.  Additionally, I also earned a Masters of Divinity. While ministry service continues, I’m into my next adventure in the Doctor of Theology program at Evangelical Theological Seminary in the multi-faceted study of personhood.

Like chrysalis to butterfly developing from cocoon to flight, my relationship with Jesus Christ has transformed my life and He wants to do the same with yours!

Shelley from Shelley Ministries
Why Shelley Ministries Photo

Why Shelley Ministries Exists

I took this photo from my back patio one day and somehow, it encompasses the purpose behind the inception of Shelley Ministries. Maybe it doesn’t strike you the same way it did me. I see the confusion and lack of a “way through” that is the description I often hear from those who are in wilderness seasons of life. It looks like a jungle, but I see God waiting there and a whole lot of life waiting to be explored.

In the messy wilderness that we struggle to navigate each day, guidance and encouragement become necessities. However, they are often difficult to find, especially for those in the role of pastor or ministry leader. You already provide these necessities to your congregations and the various people you lead and serve. Yet, who is offering these things for you?

That's the 'why' behind Shelley Ministries. I hope to help you look up and see Jesus in the midst of the chaos of the wilderness with His hand extended in invitation to renewal and resilience. Whether you need a listening ear, an outside perspective, accountability, connection to resources, or encouragement, Shelley Ministries walks beside you as you come to Christ for rest.

The Mission of Shelley Ministries

To strengthen the bride of Christ - His Church - by offering pastors and ministry leaders resources, reprieve, encouragement, and additional support so that they may best serve their congregations.

What "The Mission" Looks Like


I connect pastors to resources to ease some of the burdens that come with ministry. This includes substitute preachers and resources to help with administration of the church.


All of us need help as we strive to live God-honoring lives. I offer a space for pastors to share their struggles and be supported as they choose to live out 1 Peter 1:15, "But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do."


A pastor's job can often feel isolating, especially with no way to talk through issues. I offer a listening ear to help sort through problems and a safe space for honesty and vulnerability.


"Therefore, encourage one another and build each other up, just as you have been doing."

- 1 Thessalonians 5:11

Contact Me Today!

Ultimately, Shelley Ministries exists to serve you! Whether you want someone to fill your pulpit while you rest, find other resources, or  listen as you have so often done for others, I'd love to help you. Fill out the form below, and I'll be in touch as soon as possible!

Shelley Ministries Butterfly - Maroon

About Faith Matters


While studying a Bible passage one day, I was struck by the fact that God isn’t wordy or complicated, just straightforward.  We see this both in the communications with His people in the Old Testament and the teachings of Jesus in the New Testament. Humans, however, seem to be the opposite, always looking to clarify and expand or to make some complex set of rules to follow.  I hope with this blog to explore a variety of topics in the Bible to find the matters of faith that can be applied to everyday life, because Faith Matters.