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Consider the Lilies
As Artist Makoto Fujimura considered the purpose of each of the four Gospels, he painted each one laced with the tears of Jesus in mind (John 11:35). The work shown here called Consider the Lilies is his creative expression for the Gospel of Luke. It might seem like this painting came together quickly; however, that […]
Here we are at the beginning of another year. Beginnings start with a blank slate. For the artist, a new, clean canvas awaits him in the studio. He walks in with an idea, picks up a brush, chooses a color, and commences to paint what he has envisioned. With the first stroke, the canvas is […]
Thanksgiving 2022
Once again, the Thanksgiving holiday is upon us and we are busy with the preparations. I trust, this is not the only time when we pause to give thanks, because every day, we can find people and things for which we are grateful. As a start, we have the greatest gift – Jesus – and […]
A lesson from the Trees
“Seasons come and seasons go.” Many of us have said those words at some point in our lives, and for some people the passing seasons are reminders of what has been, but is not current reality, and may never be again. This can lead us to clutch the past and to be despondent. We may […]
Choices for the New Year
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Many people say they want 2022 to be different than 2021. I agree and the way to have a different year is to start with the person in the mirror. I have to make choices for change if I want to look back at the end and declare it well lived. Here are a […]
A Thrill of Hope
The week of Christmas – are you excited? Struggling? The activities, expectations, shopping, and traditions, although fun, often bring us to the point of physical and mental exhaustion. For many of us the year has been difficult, leaving us emotionally depleted and the season without luster. Whatever the circumstances, here we are days before Christmas […]
We have more ability to communicate than at any prior time in history with more loneliness. How can that be? Maybe the effort that it once took to be with or to relate to one another added to the appreciation of doing life together. That doesn’t mean every interaction was perfect. I’m sure there were […]
Slow Down – Savor the Moments
I was about to head out for a two-day drive. For many years, my focus when traveling like this was solely on the destination, and all that would happen once I had arrived. Come to think of it, most of my life was about one objective after another: a certain level of fitness, a desired […]
Prepare to Stop – Think First
I did it again. I communicated thoughtlessly. Sometimes having the “gift of gab” isn’t really a gift. My mind produces an endless stream of words. I frequently process them “out loud.” More often than not, I would do better to keep them to myself. Maybe that’s why I enjoy writing in my journal so much […]
The End of the Road – Where Words become Presence
I write at the end of the road – the road of words. For those who know me, this may seem like an impossibility. I have never been at a loss for words, but recently, I went through a week when I heard from family and friends letting me know about difficult, even devastating, situations […]
And they mourned …
a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance (Ecclesiastes 3:4a NIV) It is no ordinary Saturday … For those who experience the passing of a loved one, it is as though life has stopped for them as well. Everything is in slow motion and one wonders […]
A Parking Spot for You
Don’t be a visitor … Park yourself regularly in God’s Word of love, hope, and life! Shelley 04082020 © 2019-2020 Shelley Ministries. All Rights Reserved. Photo used by permission.
"Yes, my soul, find rest in God; my hope comes from him. Truly he is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will not be shaken."
- Psalm 62 : 5-6